LIMS is a robust laboratory information management system, designed with precision to support modern laboratory operations. Manage various simple and complex aspects of laboratory informatics like sample management, inventory management, workflow management, data integrity, etc. with ease. Going paperless is the new and better norm of pharma labs and other regulated industries. LIMS is designed to perform better, achieve more, and as a whole, “Be Tomorrow Ready ” with a completely paperless lab experience!
Leading technology with multiple features:
- A robust end-to-end sample management workflow involves all activities right from sample management to COA generation.
- Sample Allotment is tightly integrated with Analyst Qualification.
- The inventory log will be generated by the LIMS itself automatically. So, no need to have your inventory logbooks maintained manually.
- Integration capabilities with applications like SAP, ERP, QAMS, DMS.
- LIMS has 20 Plug-and-Play modules which will cover all the Inventory modules, Instrument management, Analyst qualification, Labels, Environmental monitoring, Reserve samples and many more.
- Instrument management with Calibration and maintenance plans and tracking of service recordings.
- Comprehensive Stability Management with Stability Protocol, Scheduling of pull outs, pull out calendar, notification for sample pull outs, OOT/OOS investigation, summary reports and more.
- Configurable e-Worksheet for individual products and mapping with the instruments, inventories to automatically update the usage in relevant inventory stock.
- LIMS software is 21 CFR Part 11 compliant will ensure accuracy and traceability in lab processes with audit trails.
- Do it right the first-time concept ensures that every step is performed after series of checks to ensure success the first time. There is complete control over the process flow.
- Extensive OOS, OOT and OOC process compliance
- Improve Turn Around Time (TAT) with pendency reports. In LIMS, a user gets complete details of pending tasks on the system dashboard itself.
- On the same architecture additional Plant(s) can be added to an existing master to make it an Enterprise version. No additional server is required if the customer is planning to add one of its sites for implementation.
- LIMS supports predictive analysis by providing the complete reports with analysis time, sample details, test results, and other relevant details on dashboards very quickly.