Mass Directed Auto Purification (MDAP) System

Mass-directed preparative chromatography provides higher sensitivity and more specificity than traditional UV-based detection.   Mass detection can easily be 100 times more sensitive than UV, but more importantly, in Scan Mode, the mass detector delivers unambiguous molecular information about every peak. Thus, the user can program peak collection based on a specific molecular property – the molecular weight, or more specifically, the mass to charge ratio – to collect the correct peak of interest.  Utilizing patented ultrafast (UF) technology, such as a scanning speed of 15,000 u/sec and a 15 msec polarity switching speed, the single quadrupole LCMS-2020 mass spectrometer delivers more information about your preparative runs, and enables you to collect the right peak. When combined with the  Nexera Prep HPLC, you’ll achieve the ultimate in separation performance and productivity.

  • High yield of fraction collection is achieved by sending only a small amount of sample into the highly sensitive LC/MS using automated proportioning valve.
  • UFswitching, UFscanning and High sensitivity of LCMS-2020 makes it an ideal choice for efficient and reliable fraction of even complex mixtures.  

Combine Detector Signals for High Purity Collection

Shimadzu’s new  FRC-40 fraction collector has the capability to simultaneously monitor multiple detector signals, and apply logical rules to start and stop collection based on different signals. These signals can come from UV or other common LC detectors as well as a mass spectrometer. Different wavelengths or different m/z values can provide important distinctions in the selection of the correct peak.  In the example below, the m/z value of target component A was used to trigger the start of fraction collection. The m/z signal from closely eluting impurity B was used to stop collection. The application of logical rules, easily accessible to the user through LabSolutions software, makes it possible to collect fractions of very high purity.

Open SolutionTM Purification Software

For laboratories that require easy access to MS purification systems, Shimadzu’s optional Open Solution Purification software provides walk-up access for multiple users. A simple user interface allows chemists to submit samples, purify their compounds, and review results without extensive knowledge of mass spectrometry or chromatography. Results can be viewed from a remote PC in the Open Solution data browser. The browser’s graphical display allows the user to see MS and UV data in a single window, and results are displayed interactively by sample vial or fraction collection vessel making data review quick and easy.