SP VirTis Genesis

SP VirTis Genesis compact, free-standing pilot freeze dryer is suitable for both research and pilot production.
Genesis is very flexible to accommodate powerful options and add-ons that enables easy scale-up from research to full
scale production for Vials or Bulk trays lyophilization.

Lowest shelf temperature ≤ -70°C
Shelf temp. control range -55 to 65°C
Shelf pull-down from ≤ 30 minutes 20°C to -40°C
Lowest condenser temp. ≤ -85C
Maximum condenser capacity ≥ 25 L / 35 L
Condenser pull-down from ≤ 25 minutes 20°C to -45°C
Maximum ice condensing ≥ 12 L / 20 L capacity in 24 hours
Vacuum time to 100 mTorr ≤ 20 minutes
Vacuum rate of rise ≤ 30 mT/hour
Vacuum Control +/- 5mTorr 50 to 500mTorr
Volume-based leak rate ≤ .0016 mbar• L/sec
Lowest system vacuum ≤ 15 mT
Temperature uniformity ± 1.0°C