Off-Flavour Analyzer

Solving odor problems  in foods and aroma compounds requires identifying the substances causing the off-odor.   A ccurate identification requires relevant knowledge, such as knowing which types of compounds can cause odors, the odor quality, and threshold levels for sensing odors.

Off-Flavour Analyzercombines a database of the major odor-causing substances and associated sensory information with a GC-MS. It provides a total solution necessary for analyzing odors.


Database of Expert Information for Odor Analysis

The database includes information registered about all odor-causing substances identified from previous problems. Therefore, even if you don’t know what types of compounds can cause odors, this database allows you to start analyzing them immediately.

Accurate Identification and Easy Quantitation

Comparison of Concentration to Odor Threshold Values

Odor components with concentrations higher than the corresponding threshold value can be identified as candidates for causing given odours