Nexera Mikros

Nexera Mikros, a Shimadzu microflow LC/MS system, offers a balanced solution to increased sensitivity with less compromise to throughput and robustness, using flow rates from 1 to 500 μL/min and column I.D. from 0.1 to 1 mm. It achieves stable and sensitive quantitative analysis through robust performance of microflow solvent delivery, optimized ion source design, the unique UF-Link column connection, and system variety that supports a wide range of applications.

Improved Detection Limits with Microflow

Microflow LC/MS/MS analysis of standard solutions of the vitamin D analytes resulted in a three- to five-fold improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio when compared to semi-microflow analysis.

Incomparable Microflow Ruggedness

A plasma blank was protein precipitated, diluted (3x), and injected 1,500 times consecutively. During the consecutive injections, QC sample (40 ppt of nortriptyline) was injected once every 50 injections of plasma blank. Peak areas and retention times of QC sample are plotted below. With 4.38% RSD area repeatability and 0.25% RSD retention time stability, extremely stable operation was demonstrated, without loss of peak shape common in high-throughput analyses of complex matrices.

LC-Mikros™: Innovative Microflow Pump Design

The LC-Mikros solvent delivery pump has completely new direct-drive engineering to deliver micro to semi-micro flow rates ranging from 1 to 500 μL/min. UHPLC system pressure tolerance of 80 MPa (11,600 psi) allows the use of every column type.   The LC-Mikros pump is designed for microflow gradient elution, even at low percentages. In the example below, excellent gradient stability is shown using mobile phase compositions ranging from 1% to 90%. The LC-Mikros delivers stable retention times essential to the chromatographer.

SIL-40C XR: Low-Volume Direct Injection Autosampler

The SIL-40C XR autosampler delivers  excellent accuracy and reproducibility as well as extremely low carry-over. Its injection volume ranges from 0.1 to 50 μL and your precious sample has never wasted due to the total injection method SIL-40C XR adapted.   It contributes to produce highly accurate results even  for low injection volume (less than 1 μL). In case of micro flow rate with narrow column, optimum injection volume also gets lowered. It is also difficult to increase the injection volume, especially, if one has to use a sample solvent with high elution power. In this case, sample must be diluted to weaken the sample solvents. Highly accurate micro volume injection capability of SIL-40C XR allows you to use samples with high organic solvent contents without dilution.

System volume and gradient delay are minimized with the newly developed “programmable loop cut-off mechanism,” which automatically diverts the sample loop from the flow line using a high-pressure valve as soon as the sample in needle is drained. This is extremely important in minimizing