MRM Library for Metabolic Enzymes in Yeast

Includes MRM Analysis Conditions Necessary for Analyzing Metabolic Enzymes

An enormous number of MRM conditions need to be evaluated in order to analyze a large number of proteins. This MRM library includes such analysis conditions, greatly facilitating the initial preparation for analysis. By allowing the use of proven methods, it greatly reduces the time needed for method development.

Comparative Analyses Using Stable Isotopes

The MRM analysis conditions for 13C-labeled peptides, for all MRM transitions, are listed. Using these conditions enables comparative analyses. For example, a gene deficient yeast group grown with unlabeled glucose can be compared with a control yeast group grown with labeled glucose.

Ideal for the Analysis of Enzymes Related to Primary Metabolism Derived from Yeast

This product provides a library consisting of 3,584 MRM transitions, including stable isotopes. It covers all 498 trypsin digested peptides of 228 types of enzymes derived from budding yeast, which is used for the production of bioethanol or other materials, or as a model organism for basic research. This library enables a variety of enzyme measurements, including those related to the major metabolic pathways of glycolysis, the TCA cycle, the pentose phosphate cycle, and amino acid metabolism.

Easy-to-Customize Methods

The method parameter list included in this package can be used to create methods that analyze targeted components only.


MRM Analysis of Gnd1p Trypsin Digested Peptides in Gene-Disrupted Strains

Shown below are representative chromatograms for a BY4742pfk1δ strain (light) grown with unlabeled glucose (a), and a S288C strain (heavy) grown with 13C-labeled glucose (b). Additionally, TIC chromatograms of Gnd1p in gene-disrupted strains are shown in (c), (d), and (e). In GND1 disrupted strains, Gnd1p was not detected, whereas in PFK1 disrupted strains, large numbers of Gnd1p were detected.