Micropress – Lyo cake Analyzer
Traditional methods of assessment of the physical and structural properties of a freeze-dried cake are limited to subjective, qualitative tests that do not necessarily provide evidence of robustness to transport and handling.
Our solution
Biopharma has developed a quantitative method for determining the robustness (Young’s Modulus) and strength (max stress at failure) of lyophilized cakes. The MicroPress uses a linear actuator to gently compress the cake while a load cell accurately measures the force applied. The resulting stress-strain profile captured by the integrated software is then exportable to Microsoft Excel for further interpretation and analysis.
By performing this analysis, the user can determine how the cake will behave during storage and shipment.
Cake strength can be affected by:
Key benefits of using MicroPress
- Determine key parameters for cake quality
- Easily measure physical properties
- In situ analysis – no sample prep required
- Shelf mapping
- Ensure product quality during storage
- Batch QA/QC
- Quick analysis time (less than 1 minute)
- Identify vials with microcollapse
- Quickly compare multiple vials
- Determine cakes with a weaker structure which may not stand up to shipping
- Ensure product quality to the point of delivery
- Batch reproducibility