MALDI mini

Until now, devices for MSn have had strenuous installation requirements, but the MALDImini-1’s compact size and power requirements make it easy to install almost anywhere.
“Minimum” time
Begin taking measurements quickly without fuss

MALDI lends itself to quick analysis through simple sample preparation and acquisition. Once the sample is loaded, users can acquire a spectrum in a few minutes at the click of a button. With such a smooth and quick setup, it is possible to carry out detailed structural analyses in a very short time span.

“Minimum” sample volume

MSn  analysis over a wide mass range, even with microquantity samples


By combining a MALDI ion source with Digital Ion Trap (DIT) technology, it is possible to carry out high-sensitivity MS and MSn analysis even on micro-quantity samples. Not only can the mass of various molecules be checked, but it is also possible to carry out a wide range of analyses such as identifying proteins and investigating the structure of glycans and glycopeptides.


Compact Design with Unique Ion Optics System and Layout

Digital Ion Trap (DIT) Technology

Identifying Protein Digests

Investigating Glycopeptide Structure