- GPC software of the Lab solutions line-up enables control and use of GC and HPLC instruments, including a GPC system, for analysis with the same interface.
- With its easy-to-understand analysis windows, the GPC software provides the optimal environment for molecular weight distribution calculations, as well as qualitative and quantitative analysis via multiple detectors.
- Calibration Curve is created in Just Three Steps to calculate the molecular weight of samples.
- Graphical GPC Data Analysis Window allows Management of data from multiple detectors within a single file
- The Data Comparison Window Allows Simultaneous Evaluation of Multiple Samples
- The elution curves and derivative and integrated molecular weight distribution curves for up to 10 samples can be overlaid on a graph.
- The software can accommodate a diverse range of reports
- A PDF output function is included as standard, so analysis results reports can be managed by automatic import to a database, helping your laboratory to go paperless and promoting an eco-friendly analysis process.