GCMS-TQ8050 NX is the Ultra-High sensitivity triple quadrupole GC-MS  backed by a durable hardware, robust design and reliable operation which enables exceptional performance in quantitative analyses at ultra-trace amounts, down to the femtogram levels. Equipped with the Shimadzu’s proprietary UFMS technology and three forms of noise-reduction technologies the GCMS-TQ8050 NX provides unique solutions in analytical testing for food safety, cannabis, forensics etc.with reduced long-term operational costs and greater uptime.

Enhanced Sensitivity and Durable Hardware


GCMS-TQ8050 NX is built with Ultra fast technology which is capable of achieving high speed MRM 800 transitions/sec with a minimum dwell time of less than 0.5 msec at a scanning speed of 20,000 u/s.  The “MRM Optimization Tool’’ automates the process by collecting product ion scan data and finding the optimum collision energy for each transition.  Once established, the transitions are registered to one of the Shimadzu “Smart Database” files, and the MRM or Scan/MRM methods  are created using Smart MRM.  The presence of high-efficiency off-axis ion optics, shielded detector and presence of patented overdrive lenses in front of electron multiplier tube offers unmatched sensitivity.