Fluorescence Detector

Experience exquisite sensitivity with RF-20A and RF-20Axs fluorescence detectors for HPLC and UHPLC separations. Built with maintenance in mind, both the cell and lamp replacement are accessed through the front panel – no additional position adjustment is required. Monitor two EX and EM wavelength pairs simultaneously, or up to four pairs with LabSolutions software control. The RF-20xs has superior S/N performance due to its temperature controlled flow cell.

Fluorescence detection has the following advantages : (1) Selectivity is high because measurement is conducted using specific excitation and emission wavelengths specific to target substance (2) Fluorescent substances can be detected with high sensitivity (3) Sensitivity and selectivity can be improved by using the derivatization techniques. Fluorescence detection is generally used for analysis when sensitivity and selectivity are required, especially when the analyte has little or no UV absorbance and can be derivatized to produce fluorescence. Although LC/MS is increasingly being used for high-sensitivity analysis, fluorescence detection by HPLC is often the officially regulated method.

RF-20A and RF-20Axs Specifications

  • RF-20A has a wavelength range of 200 to 650 nm.
  • RF-20AXS has a wavelength range of 200 to 750nm.
  • Optional PMT or Photo-multiplier (both) to extend to 900nm
  • Both detectors have wavelength accuracy of ±2 nm and precision of ±0.2nm.
  • Superior with signal-to-noise ratio of at least 1200 for RF-20A and 2000 for RF-20Axs, allowing ultrafast analysis of trace-level analytes.
  • Standard cell with a 12uL volume, or, a semi-micro cell with 3uL volume are available.
  • Operating temperature 4 to 35°C.

Simultaneous Analysis of 20 Proteinogenic Amino Acids (100 µmol/L each)
