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MicroPress – Mechanical Property Analyser

The MicroPress is a mechanical property analyser that works to determine key parameters for lyocake or lyobead quality.

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It can also assure product quality all the way to the point of delivery, as it is able to establish how the lyocake or lyobead will behave during handling and shipment.

  • Determine key parameters for cake and lyobead quality: using a linear actuator to gently compress the cake to determine the stiffness (Young’s Modulus) and strength (max stress at failure) of lyophilised cakes and lyobeads.
  • Easily measure physical properties: identify vials with collapse, microcollapse & crust formation.
  • Quick analysis time: as standard, less than 1 minute, in situ analysis – no sample prep required, quickly compare multiple vials.
  • Integrated software: the resulting stress-strain profile captured during analysis is then exportable to Microsoft Excel for further interpretation and data traceability.