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POLYTRON® Batch Dispersers – LAB POLYTRON® Batch Dispersers – Pilot/Industrial Unit
MEGATRON® Inline Dispersers for Production MEGATRON® Inline Dispersers for Lab
REACTRON® Highly Scalable Reactors BIOTRONA® Highly Turbulent Mixers
REACTRON® Highly Scalable Reactors
POLYMIX® Mills and Stirrers MICROTRON® Mixers and Blenders
MEGATRON® MT-FM Foaming Machine
MEGATRON® MT-MM Foaming Machine
MEGATRON® MT-SHS In-Line Dispersers with Super High Shear
MEGATRON® MT-SV In-Line Dispersers for Sterile Environments
MT-V Series In-line disperser with up to 3 rotor-stator units
MT-VP Series Powder induction machine