AF2000 MultiFlow FFF – Universal Separator
The most Advanced Flow FFF Platform for Separation of Proteins, Macromolecules and Nanoparticles!
Professional Modular Platform
The new Postnova AF2000 MultiFlow FFF Series was invented to become the first professional modular Flow FFF platform available. It is completely integrated by the NovaFFF single software platform which runs the entire system from autosampler to detectors. The AF2000 Series incorporates the combined solid know-how and the technologies from three decades of leadership in FFF. Due to its unique design, the AF2000 MultiFlow platform offers more flexibility, higher robustness and better performance than any system before. The technology sets a new standard in the area of Flow FFF and marks a real break-through in FFF science and therefore naturally has become the leading Flow FFF solution for many scientists around the world.
Universal Flexible Separator
The AF2000 Series platform is based on the Flow FFF principle, using a crossflow field as driving force for the separation. The samples, which are affected by this field, are separated by their Dynamic Diffusion on the basis of the molar mass or particle size. The AF2000 can be run with different eluents, at various temperature conditions and is able to employ various channel dimensions and principles. The same system can be used for running planar Asymmetric Flow FFF (AF4) channels or circular HollowFiber Flow FFF (HF5) channels. Therefore, the AF2000 MultiFlow can be easily used for separation of a broad range of different samples from the area of Biopharmaceuticals, Food-Agro-Cosmetics, Environmental, Chemicals and Nanotechnology. The MultiFlow FFF is ideal for the characterization of proteins, antibodies, aggregates, vaccines, liposomes, nanoparticles and natural or synthetic macromolecules. Because of its great flexibility, the AF2000 MultiFlow FFF can be employed as a Universal Separator for many kind of analyte systems and is a secure investment also for new upcoming samples and future project demands.
AF2000 AT – Standard Ambient Temp Flow FFF
The AF2000 AT is a non-temperature controlled economical Flow FFF which is ideal for the use in general level research in universities, companies and public scientific centers. It is available as aqueous metal-free, stainless steel and multisolvent version and can be run with a broad range of aqueous and organic solvents. Planar Asymmetric Flow FFF (AF4) and circular HollowFiber Flow FFF (HF5) channels can used at the same time. Various detection principles such as UV-Absorbance (UV), Refractive Index (RI), Multi-Angle Light Scattering (MALS), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) can be coupled easily. The AF2000 MT is a temperature controlled advanced Flow FFF system which is ideal for the use in higher level research in university and public research institutions as well as professional research and commercial-industrial applications in the area of product development, manufacturing and quality control. It is also available as aqueous metal-free, stainless steel and multisolvent version and can be run with a broad range of aqueous and organic solvents. Planar Asymmetric Flow FFF (AF4) and circular HollowFiber Flow FFF (HF5) channels can used at the same time. Various detection principles such as UV-Absorbance (UV), Refractive Index (RI), Multi-Angle Light Scattering (MALS), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) can be coupled easily. Temperature control is not only available for the separation channel but also for the entire system, including the transfer capillaries between the various modules and detectors.
Advanced Flow FFF Detection
In order to enable the user to fully access this wide application range, the AF2000 MultiFlow is available in different unique versions. Various add-on modules, extra options and special FFF detectors are available, such as Refractive Index (RI), Multi-Angle Light Scattering (MALS) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). All Postnova FFF modules and detectors have been especially developed for FFF and are perfectly optimized not only for the use with the AF2000 MultiFlow FFF but also for the other Postnova FFF versions. Additionally, the AF2000 Series has been designed for easy interfacing with existing high-end detection technologies from leading instrument suppliers so that the user can ideally integrate the Postnova FFF technology into the existing laboratory infrastructure in order to maximize efficiency and investment.

Application Range
he AF2000 AT is the basic modular system which marks the Entry Level of the Postnova AF2000 MultiFlow platform. The system is non-temperature controlled and runs at typical ambient laboratory conditions from 15° to 25°C. It is ideal for standard research applications in university research groups and educational institutions with a clear focus and defined application range. The AF2000 is the best choice and a good starting point for groups which want to enter into the area of Field-Flow Fractionation for the first time. It is available as aqueous metal-free, stainless steel and multisolvent version and can be run with a broad range of aqueous and organic solvents. Planar Asymmetric Flow FFF (AF4) and circular HollowFiber Flow FFF (HF5) channels can used at the same time. Various detection principles, such as UV-Absorbance (UV), Refractive Index (RI), Multi-Angle Light Scattering (MALS), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectroscopy (ICP-MS) can be coupled easily online.
System Hardware
It is the Postnova’s clear mission to only offer fully optimized and professional FFF hardware, software and support solutions. Therefore, the AF2000 AT series is a basic but completely optimized Flow FFF system which contains all necessary standard modules and components in the package that are required for a robust, reliable and fully operable Flow FFF system. There is no need for assembling and utilizing semi-suited third party HPLC components which are often just made for other purposes, show less flexibility and are not available in the strict specifications needed for FFF applications. The AF2000 AT series is a true ready-to-use non-compromise Flow FFF system where no additional components are required. The system incorporates the complete set of Postnova’s proven FFF technologies which makes it the most easy-to-use, robust and reproducible system available. The AF2000 AT system is comprising an Eluent Organizer (PN7205), an Eluent Degasser (PN7520), an Eluent Pump (PN1130), a Focus Pump (PN1130), a Flow FFF Control Module with integrated electronic interface and cross-flow syringe pump (AF2000 Module), a Manual Injector Holder (PN5120), a user-selectable Asymmetric / HollowFiber Flow FFF channel (AF4/HF5) and a Control PC with the NovaFFF software suite for operation of the AF2000 AT system.
Additional System Options
The AF2000 AT Flow FFF is available in different versions and additionally can be upgraded and customized for special applications by adding extra system options. This can be done at the date of purchase or later as an upgrade.
- EFS Eluent Filtration System
- UVD Eluent Disinfection Module
- SAM Manual/Auto Injector with Options
- ELC Aqu. Metal-free/Organic/MultiSolvent
- AF4/HF5 Channel Versions and Membranes
- S3 Outlet Splitting Sensitivity Enhancer
- RID Refractive Index Detection System
- UVD Absorbance Detection System
- FLD Fluorescence Detection System
- MALS Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detector
- DLS Zetasizer* Dynamic Light Scattering Detector
- ICP-MS Online Connection and Interface
- FRA Automatic Fraction Collector with Options
System Software
The unique NovaFFF single software platform is used for full control and data acquisition of the entire AF2000 AT Flow FFF together with associated peripheric modules (such as Auto Injector, Fraction Collectors) and detectors (LS, RI, UV, FLD). The software also allows comprehensive data analysis and evaluation based on Relative Standard Calibration and Absolute Light Scattering methods. Furthermore, the software is also the platform to run all major FFF versions, including AF2000 MultiFlow FFF, CF2000 Centrifugal FFF and TF2000 Thermal FFF. This, together with additional features, makes NovaFFF the most advanced and leading software platform available for FFF applications today.
Service & Support
In order to assist our users in achieving the best results and getting the maximum output from their FFF system without any time delay, Postnova offers a series of differently adjusted services and support activities. These services have been optimized to perfectly fit each step of the live cycle of any FFF system, from installation and initial training, via maintenance during operation all the way to relocation and upgrade services to keep up with new technological developments.
- Installation Services
- User Training Courses
- System Maintenance
- Relocation Services
- Upgrade & Update Services
Further customized services and special maintenance contracts are available for the FFF systems including detection and also for some selected modules of the systems. Please inquire at: Zetasizer* is a trademark of Malvern Instr.
Broad Separation Range
The AF2000 platform can separate molecules and particles from 1 nm up into the µm range. This can be achieved using the same separation channel by changing the separation programs via the powerful NovaFFF software. This also means that mixtures of molecules and particles can be separated in the same experiment, for example proteins and nanoparticles in drug-delivery development.
Gentle Separation Conditions
Because of the open channel and the absence of any stationary phase, the separation is performed under the absence of shear forces and stress to the particles or macromolecule. Typical chromatography problems, such as filtering/adsorption effects and shear induced degradation can be avoided.
FOCUS Technology
The AF2000 platform incorporates Postnova’s FOCUS technology to ensure a continuous and stable detector flow at all times. This provides a more stable and reproducible detector signals and is an absolute necessity to be able to connect flow sensitive devices such as refractive index (RI) or viscometer detectors. Additionally, the technology provides higher sample recovery, resolution and sensitivity. Another striking advantage of the Focus technology is the channel outlet which can be directly connected to the detector without any valves or T-pieces included. This ensures short transfer lines, low dead volumes and minimized band broadening.
Cross Flow System
Postnova uses advanced technology for generating the cross flow inside the FFF channel based on a dual syringe pump that is controlled in a unique way to minimise any pulsation. The pump is completely inert and can easily produce constant and absolute flows ranging from 0.005 to 10 mL/min for different solvents. By using this volumetric based syringe pump technology, Postnova can ensure the cross flow rate is reproducible, stable and independent of the solvent composition and temperature.
Flexibility & Interfaceability
The AF2000 series was developed as a modular system to give the maximum flexibility for system configuration and upgradeability. In addition, the open architecture of the system allows the integration of many components including detectors from 3rd party companies such as DLS and ICP-MS.
NovaFFF Software
The NovaFFF software is based on a “one Software for all devices” strategy, incorporating system control, data collection and data evaluation as well as reporting.
The easy to use NovaFFF Software:
- Very flexible: simple integration of hardware components e.g. autosampler, pumps and various detectors
- Important security and monitoring functions: pump and channel pressure, manually or automatically shut down of the system when a set maximum pressure value is exceeded
- Run data file: pressures, flows and additional analog detector signals are stored
- Log history file: main actions and controls are logged
- PC and LAN controlled: integration within the companies local network (LAN) with own IP address for every FFF system. State-of-the-art communication protocols using TCP/IP
- Unique FFF-LS Integration: controlling the FFF platform together with Light Scattering detector in just one application
No more start-up of two programs, copy and paste of methods between different programs or problems about the stability of the multitasking capabilities of the PC operating system when using NovaFFF.
Required Modules:
Sample Organisation:
- 21-Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detector (PN3621 MALS)
- 9-Multi-Angle Light Scattering Detector (PN3609 MALS)
- RI – Refractive Index Detector (PN3150)
- UV Detector (PN3211)
- Viscometer Detector (PN3310)
- Fluorescence Detector (PN3411)
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- Viruses
- Aggregates
- Cell Organelles
- Bioparticles
- Proteins
- Antibodies
- Liposomes
- Drug Delivery
- Micelles
- Humic and Fulvic Acid
- Environmental Colloids
- Clay Particles
Material Science:
- Latex Beads
- Nanoparticles
- High-Tech Nano Materials
- Biopolymers
- Starches
- Polyelectrolytes
- Technical Polymers
Temperature Range:
- Room Temperature
Principle Measurement Range:
- Particles: 1 nm to 100 µm
- Polymers: 500 Da to 1012 Da
Channel Dimensions:
- Volume: 0,5 -2,5 mL
- Size: 335 x 60 x 40 mm
- Thickness: 350 µm (other sizes available on request)
Carrier Liquids:
- Aqueous: any aqueous liquid, pH from 2 – 11 (depending on acid and conditions, please inquire), ionic strength from DI water to saline
- Organic: THF, MeOH, etc
- reg. cellulose, PC, PES
- Molar Mass: 0,3; 1; 2; 4; 5; 10; 30; 100 kDa
- UV
- RI
- Laser Light Scattering
- Viscometry
- Fluorescence and more
- Multiple Detectors in line
Channel Flow Range:
- 0 – 10 mL/ min
Cross Flow Range:
- 0 – 8,5 mL /min
Pressure Limit:
- 0 – 35 bar
Power Requirements:
- 110 V or 240 V, 50/ 60 Hz; 2,5 A
PC Requirements:
- Windows OS, min.64 MB RAM, 2 RS232 ports
Software System:
- NovaFFF AF2000 Control
- NovaFFF Analysis
Maintenance Parts:
- Consumables
- Pistons and piston seals
- Inline filters
- Membranes
Injection Volume:
- 1 – 1000 µL
- Optional > 1000 µL
Injected Sample Mass:
- Via manual injection valve
- Via PN5300 autosampler